Shopping Info

  1. Item(s) colour may vary slightly from displayed photo(s), depending on the computer monitor resolutions.
  2. Orders without any payment made will be automatically cancelled.
  3. Pre-order items will take approximately 10 days to arrive at your shipping address as items are ordered and imported from overseas.
  4. We are not responsible if shipping delay occurs.  
  5. All pre-order items sold are FINAL - no returns/exchange/cancellation AFTER payment is made.
  6. For customers who expect immediate delivery of pre-order stock and cannot accommodate the pre-order timeline for delivery are not recommending to place an order.
  7. Dispute, If any, shall be settled by friendly negotiation between two parties.
  8. Shipping cost is basically calculated based on total weight and bear by buyer.

  1. 商品颜色会因电脑荧幕设定略有不同,所以颜色以实际商品颜色为准。
  2. 收到汇款后订单才会生效, 未付款的订单将会自动被取消。
  3. 每次预购的需要大概10天左右。货到后会尽快发货给给位买家。
  4.  若发货延误,敬请原谅。
  5. 您的订单确认及备货后,不能取消订单,要求取消订单的顾客,将不能要求任何退款。
  6.  预购的时间不是本公司能控制的,所以不能等的买家请不要预购哦!
  7. 若出现任何不愉快事件,本公司将友善处理问题。
  8. 所有邮费将依据货品重量来决定,有关邮费将由买家负担。